May 21, 2012

Currently ...

Listening : Cold Summer Nights by Francis M. But what I'm up to is Elmo's version (his son). I know this is an old song and I'm always late when it comes of appraciation. So sorry about it. I almost memorize the whole song and that's quite an accomplishment. I'm very poor with lyrics. Aaw!

Eating : Ate bread and egg with Milk Tea for dinner. I missed eating rice though it's just one meal I skipped. Haha. I'm not used to it.

Drinking : Lemon Juice made by my dear friend for my sore throat.

Wearing : A big gray sando with a peace sign on it and a pajama. So much ready to hit the sack.

Feeling : Happy from various inspiration that I had today. A late in the morning wake up call, a cup of tea with lemon for breakfast, a break from all clinic work because my doctor didn't came, exchange smiles from a long-term crush, a charming stare from someone and an I LOVE YOU from my MU. 

Weather: It's getting hotter in the kingdom since it's summer already. I hate it. I like it when it's cold.

Wanting: To go somewhere far alone. Wander freely. Walk for miles. Took a lot of pictures. And how can I forget about it, I want RAIN. So bad.

Needing: A hug. Period.

Thinking: I'm wondering if I'm contented with where I'm at right now. Parents have other plans for me and I'm not considering it at the moment. My bad, I know it's for my own good but I still need some push. Push me. Chos!

Enjoying: The mere fact that I can sleep late at night and can woke up late at the same time. Guilty pleasure.

I saw this from the net and I just wanted to do my own list. It's fun. Try it yourself. I miss writing. I miss everything. 

God Bless everyone. Be safe and healthy. Pretty please.