From now on, I really do promise to update this blog every once in a while. It became so stagnant for so long. And I felt bad because I want this blog to be my mini-diary of what had happened to my life someday. I'm picturing myself showing this to my future children and telling them the stories behind every post and pictures. Whew. I hope so.
For those who don't know me, I really do love taking pictures. With everything that's cute, unique and with those people who I dearly love. With 71 albums in facebooks, an instagram and jux account ( ) and a lots of saved folders in my lappy . That's enough proof I guess.
Warning: A photo vomit of our latest pictures in the kingdom.
With my MU when we went to Captain Ali's Farm. |
I call her " BHOI" because we are the not-so-lady-like in the group. |
With my "BOK". Ang kulit. :)) |
Of course, with my best pal in the kingdom. |
The MU's. Nangapitbahay early in the morning.
My Al-Rai Angels.
Spell F-U-N-N-Y. |
When Insanity strikes.
And so sorry to include me being so narcissistic once again. Blame those nights when you can't think of anything to do. haha.
Forgive Me. Haha. |
Cut my hair and curl it the other day. What do you think??? |
If it happened that you are already tired of seeing my face, you can just close the page. It's my humble blog so I can say nor post anything I like. Sorry. :P
Anyway, it's time to say goodbye. It's friday tomorrow but I have an overtime duty so no rest for this week. Though I may sound complaining, honestly I'm not. I'm going home soon so I need some haha. Chos.
Thank you for dropping by. Wishing you all a good sleep and a nice day ahead. God Bless everyone.
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