Dec 11, 2011

Meet KFIA (King Fahd International Airport)

Maybe two weeks ago, we went to King Fahd International Airport here in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. We were suppose to dropped a good friend of ours on her flight to the Philippines. But for some reasons, it was cancelled. Oops! Don't be sad, after a day or two, she finally flew back home. No more worries.

We was from an eight hour overtime duty that night, but we made sure that we got to brought her to the airport. Another thing is we want to see the place so that if it's our turn already, we are somehow familiar with  the place.

The airport was so huge and beautiful. According to wikipedia, it is the largest airport in the world in terms of land area. Maybe the one I've seen so far was just a small part of it. That's another night to remember. I will come back there someday. Insha'allah. (^_^)

So, as always, here's another photo overload of my friends and yours truly.

Airport has two effects on people. I remember when I was small, when the airport was like a heaven to us. Everytime my Tatay would come from abroad, we made sure that we'll fetch him. That was the HAPPY side of it. Welcoming back your loved ones from long years of not seeing them. You'll witness the anticipation and excitement in each and everyone's aura. On the other side of it, you'll also see those who's leaving. Just the mere fact of thinking about it made me sad. I have childhood memories of Tatay who always went abroad to work. It hurts me knowing how sad it is to leave everthing you used to love for the sake of seeking greener pasture.

I'll stop the drama coz I don't want to be contagious guys. We need to be HAPPY. Right??

God Bless Everyone. Smile. Spread LOVE and enjoy LIFE to the fullest. (^_^) 

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