Jan 3, 2012

Been There, Done That

I know it's been ages since I last wrote on this blog. And I don't know if I want to kill myself or not for drinking soda before sleeping because that's the main reason why my fingers are now busy typing again. What a punishment. Urgh.

Oh wait, I almost forgot to greet you HAPPY NEW YEAR. It's the fourth day of the year and I know the greeting was kinda late. Forgive me. How I wish everyone had a blast. I hope all your fingers are still complete. Just kiddin.

Honestly, I can't sleep because I'm doing overthinking once again. Clustered thoughts occupied my mind and I'm helpless. My heart is broken for another heartache of a friend and I want to do something. Shoot!

Last year was NOT mine. No doubt. I absolutely knew about it. It was my greatest downfall. The most painful HEARTache. Those where the days that I wish I was dead and gone. The situation was unbearable. You felt your life was shattered and no longer alive.Those where the days where you wish it was just a bad DREAM. A nightmare where you can wake up anytime soon. Those where the days where you pray the most. When the only strength you have is from above and from the people who loved you. Those where the days where you want fight but you were just too drained to stand up. Gosh, just the mere fact of remeniscing the past made me felt quite proud of myself. I'm a survivor in my own way.

I admit, I'm such a weak kid inside. But when the world gave you those kind of problems, you have no choice but to embrace it. Though it will look like it will swallow you anytime soon, you have to be strong. You have to pretend that you can handle anything. You have to convince yourself that the only PERSON you can depend the most is YOURSELF.  When you get used to it, you will suddenly realized that time had been passing so fast and you already MOVED ON.

So for you, my DEAR friend, though I know exactly how it felt, I want to tell you that it's not the end of the world. You're beautiful inside and out. You start taking care of yourself. Give time to heal and you'll soon get over it. Let destiny find it's way to you. Soon you will realized why it happened and you will be forever thankful. You are worthy of being loved. He reserve someone better for you.

I may not be good in words but I hope this will help you. Be strong. Life's too short and precious not to be lived with a smile on your face..We love you so muchie.

Whew! Bring it on 2012. We are so ready for you. God is always in our side. Thank you LORD.(^_^)

I remember Mami Doc saying this to me before, "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Hmmm.

Read this my girl, "Love will come around again. But if you're looking BACk you'll miss it! Look forward, wear your best smile, and concentrate on getting the most from life. This sort of mentality and lifestyle will attract the sort of person you need in your life. The sort of person who'll make you smile so much your face hurts. He or she is out there waiting for you, maybe even going through what you're going through right now. The sooner you move on, the sooner you'll find real, lasting love. You deserve it!"



  1. Yeah, life has always become a roller coaster ride for everybody but it's a good thing that you felt proud of yourself when you look back, its just goes to show how much you believe in yourself and how far you can go. : )

    1. Thanks Ers. I just read your profile, very interesting. God Bless. :)))
