Aug 11, 2011

Another Wishful Thinking

Today I've been procrastinating at almost colossal levels. I've really done nothing but nap. My sleeping pattern was totally messed up. But honestly, I actually love it. Working while the world is sleeping and hit the sack when everybody's busy already. Exactly opposite, right??Haha. Sad it will only last for  this month of Ramadan.

Anyway, I will tell you one of my wildest dream ever. Something I really wanted to learn ever since. Do you have a hint??Okay! I really wanted to play piano. Oh please, don't laugh. It's a serious matter so even if it don't suit me, still I want to get the knack of. I do envy those who can play.

Since, I know it's not easy, I just want to learn one piece of music. It is Johann Pachelbel's Canon. It touches my soul and sends shivers down my spine. And it always does, even though I have listened to it thousands of times.Here it is, listen guys.

I have two reasons why. First, beacause of this scene in the Korean Movie My Sassy Girl. Have you watch it already?? This is my favorite movie ever. It always have a different impact on me, no matter how many times I already watch it. One day, the girl called him and tells him to bring her a rose during class to celebrate their 100th-day anniversary. The scene was so touching, where he arrives in disguise into a packed auditorium and watches her play the melody of Pachelbel's Canon on a paino onstage.


And another reason, it's the wedding song of Edward and Bella. I assume you know them, who else who doesn't.It is played by Rosalie on the piano for Bella and Alice as they walk down the stairs.

I dream of playing this on the day of my wedding or the song while walking down the aisle. Isn't it so romantic? It's like you're the only girl in the world. You own the universe for a while. Okay, enough for my day-dreaming. I need to find my prince first,haha.

I, again, want to send my heart-warming thank you for reading this blog. Knowing someone who actually knows this just gave me tons of happiness. I really do love to write and this is my sanctuary. I felt safe and real here. Thank you.

Live beautifully. Dream passionately. Love completely.
God Bless You all..(^_^)

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