Aug 9, 2011


I can't remember when was the last time I made a post. I also didn't know why it took me a long time blogging again. Okay, I'll admit I'm too lazy lately. All day I'm just sleeping. I'm such a bum. Sorry!

So here it goes, last Friday, to break our usual routine everyday, we went to shop. Yoohoo! It's like a treat for ourselves again. Another day to enjoy and be happy that somehow I am able to buy what I need. No wants. Lol.

We arrived at around 7:30. Since it's Ramadan this month, the mall opened at exactly 9 pm, right after their prayer. See, we waited for almost 2 hours. Yaay! But it was fun, instead of complaining we grabbed some yummy ice cream and that's it. Just like a kid.

Spell W-A-I-T-I-N-G ...haha.

Love it. See everybody's busy with our own IC.Yum!

Baskin Robbins is our fave ice cream parlor. Whenever we see one, we really can't say NO! Forget the diet and nevermind the RBS (Random Blood Sugar). haha.

After the luscious ice cream, we proceed to our fave store, H&M. Unfortunately, that day they have less sales. I don't know why. Us usual, I bought some accesories and that's it. Clothes, shoes and bags are quite expensive.

Next stop?? Aldo Accessories. Upon seeing them, you will literally fell in love with it. If only you have a lot of money, of course.Haha. In my dreams!

After the very tiring window shopping, we lost our energy and decided to eat, AGAIN. I grabbed a coffee and pasta. On the same store in which we bought the pasta, the Filipino manager gave us some treat. So kind of him. Thank you! So coffee plus soda = overflowing caffeine in my body.

Before I'll say goodbye, here's my outfit post. I took the photo inside the  flat because us usual we need to wear Abaya. I know, it's very frustrating at times. Sad face.

Thank you for reading it until here. Thank you for keeping in touch with this simple diary of mine. Happiness was really a choice. It is so different here in Saudi Arabia. So it depends on you on how you spend it at your best. Just like me, ( Oops, I'm not a good example,honestly.) though it was hard and you felt alone sometimes, you really have to fight and be strong. Just think of your inspirations and strength back home.

Enough for me being so melodramatic. Hope all are safe and happy.
God Bless You All..(^_^)

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