Aug 15, 2011

Current Playlist

I am still in heaven because of the support and love I received from my last post. I am very thankful. My pageviews suddenly became high. Yeah! It touches me that even strangers sent personal messages. Isn't so sweet?? How can I complain if God had sent such wonderful creatures here on earth.Haay.Thank you guys..

So now I don't know what to write so that I can keep you here. ( naibang level kasi yata yung BILOG ANG MUNDO,hahaha.)

Anywhoo, I love MUSIC. It is my favorite companion in whatever mood I have. It's like you will suddenly feel living in another world with no worries at all. And that's what we like most of the time, right? Don't deny it.

So, here I am again, sharing to you my favorite songs as of the moment. ( As if it matters. Sorry.haha.) Listening to a song over and over and never get tired of it.

TOP 5 : Give Me Everything

Top 4 : Sexy Chick

Top 3: Best Thing I Never Had

Top 2 : The Man Who Can't Be Moved

Top 1 : Steep

The first two songs will make you dance. I'm a sucker of that kind of songs. Happy lang! And the last three was kinda emo.Forgive me. My heart wants that, what can I do??haha. My mind is helpless most of the time.Yikes!

You know what I realized??Pain makes people change.Things will get worse before they get better. But when they do, remember who put you down and who helped you up. Pak!

So keep your head high, keep your chin up and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.

God Bless you all guys. (^_^)

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