Oct 28, 2011

Silly Faces

Hooray! Thanks God it's FRIDAY.One of my favorite day of the week and if you're reading this blog, I bet you already know why. It's my rest/blogging day where my neurons are so hyper and my fingers are so itchy to type something. 

Lately, since I have a lot of spare time, I became addicted doing silly faces on my youcam.Not that I'm being a narcissictic but it's just that it's fun. Haha. Anyway, I don't need to explain. And, of course, knowing myself, I grabbed all my girlfriends here to make a photo with me. They don't have any choice, they love me that much, or I would like to think so.(^_^)

A mommy of 3 kids. Our one and only Physical Therapist here. Age really doesn't matter, she can still jive with us. (^_^)

We used to call each other "Mahal". The silent type and a great cook (inggit ako). The sweet lover. If she loves you, she will let you feel it in alot of ways.

She's my "BOK". The super bait/lambing/bugak girl. I used to call her ate though we have the same age, trip ko lang lageng maglambing kasi sa kanya. Oh I forgot, she have this crazy habit of grabbing your $%#*&^*^&*. Haha.(^_^)

We call each other "BHOI". It started because in our group, we are not the lady-like type. (I don't know what happened lately since we're wearing dresses already,aaw!). She's not your girly type, she can fight literally for you. Astig!

My "ATE". I really want to have an ATE/KUYA eversince so I really assumed I already have one in her. She's a woman with few words but kapag kinukulit ko siya super ingay din naman. (^_^)

Last but not the least, my "MU".  We sometimes call each other B1 and B2. Always together, always talking or laughing. I think we re the crazy ones in the group. The "pasimuno" with all the kalokohans. Though we have our own tantrums, we understand each other. It's part of friendship.(^_^)

Insane People?!?. (^_^)

The photos says it all. We fooled around the camera as always. Haha! And you know whats the best thing I love about pictures, it never changes, even if the people in it do. Aww, it's a little bit scary.

Anyway, sadness doesn't stay when you are surrounded with funny and crazy  friends. It makes life more colorful. It's like you're not alone in facing everything that this world has to offer. I pray that I can keep them forever, even when we go back in our own simple life back home. Oh please...

That's it. Have a great weekend everyone. I felt ambivalent that October is almost finish already. I'm still so high with our birthdays and everything. haha!

God Bless Us All...
Ciao! (^_^)

I just came from an overtime. Just want to share how exhausted I am for having a 104 patients in a span of 8 hours. Aaaw! Why is it so hard to earn money?!? :(

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