Nov 15, 2011

Chill Out

Yey! Before I start this I just want to send my thank you for the compliments I received on my previous post. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for reading this humble blog of mine. Really. So much.

So we are now on my second post about our short vacation last week. I am happy that finally I'm  now back on blogosphere once again. I do gave time for this because I really want to share what's keeping me busy nowadays. It's not that boring in the kingdom after all.

The same day that we went to the paradise that I told you, we came here first. It wasn't in the plan but we ended up here. But no more regrets because when we saw the beach, my heart immediately melt. The wind was so cold and strong but the sun kept it neutral. I felt like a bird catching her first fly once again. It's really refreshing. Promise.

Here's the view on our way going there.

Okay guys, this was the  place. It's in Corniche ARAMCO. We are not allowed to remove our Abaya because it's a public place. Maybe someone will catch us and we don't want any problem.

I know it's a photo overload. Can you still handle some more???I hope you won't get tired of it.

We fixed some tents in case someone wants a good rest.

Age really doesn't matter. We played like kids once again. Yaay!

We are frustrated to have a good jump shot. Urgh!

I'm the only one who got it in here. Tsk!

One of my favorite shot. Sorry for spoiling the "stolen" part by doing that peace sign with a smile.

With my one and only BOK...(^_^)

Waiting in vain...haha!

Happy fooling around in the cold water...

Aaaaw! I'm in a paradise.

It's always been my habit. Writing my name on the sand. Cute.

I also got to write the name of my blog. Weeh!
It's another day to remember for all of us. It's different when you're in a beautiful place like this. All my stress fade away instantly. I forgot about everything else and just enjoy the moment. YaaY!

I still have something to share but I'll tell you on my next post. Oh please bear with me, I can't compose it with one sitting. My mind are doing all the effort but my body wants to hit the sack most of the time. Urgh! The cold weather is a huge factor. You can't blame me. Haha.

If you read up to here, Thank you so much! See you on my next post.
God Bless Everyone...(^_^)

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