Nov 29, 2011

Playlist 30.11.11

Forgive me if I haven't blogged in ages due to some problems and please blame the cold weather here right now, so it's only fitting that my first blog post in what seems like years is just some new songs that I'm current getting loca over. Since I'm a music lover by heart and soul ( OA! BOO!), it's been a routine that I'm posting my playlist every now and then.

Here's my current favorites. Listen to it. (^_^)

5. Look At Me Now by Chris Brown

4. Mistletoe by Justin Bieber

3. You Were Mine by Dixie  Chicks

2. Rolling in the Deep by Boyce Avenue

1. Funkin Perfect by Pink

I'm a sucker of new songs.  My two sisters are my sources thats why everytime I've got to chat with them I'm always telling them to update me in terms of what's new. My roommates also can attest that when I started putting earphones, I'm instantly in another world. I can't barely hear them so they end up throwing me pillows,haha. AAww! Some of the songs aren't new. (Ako na ang late!Haha!)

Anyhoo, it's pouring here in the kingdom the whole day. Though I just want to cuddle myself under my blanket, I can't. Need to get back to work. I badly want a one day of sleeping and plain rest. Can you give me, pretty please??

I hope everyone is HAPPY. May our LORD GOD bless us always.
Please take care of yourself. (^_^)

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