Jul 22, 2011

Last Song Syndrome

What´s a better way to wake up in the morning than a bucket full of sunshine? It's my fave day of the week, T.G.I.F. I'm allowed to woke up a little bit late because work is in the afternoon. Unlike other days, I felt like crying everytime I need to take bath so early. Urgh! ( But I love my work, no doubt!)

However, lately I've been listening to some songs over and over and never get tired of it. Literally, I'm just repeating it, on my phone during work and here in my lappy upon arriving home.

I want to share to you my Five Favorite Songs at the moment.

Top 5 : Need You Now by Lady Antebellum

Top 4: Thank You for the Broken Heart by J. Rice

Top 3: Terrified by Katharine McPhee

Top 2: Price Tag by Jessie J ft. BoB

Top 1: Collide by Howie Day

I always have Last Song Syndrome because of this songs. Love 'em. I felt I'm in another world everytime I close my eyes and listened to them. I'm over reacting!kill Me!Lol.

I want to know what's yours too. Don't  hesitate it to share it with me.

Have a blessed weekend everyone. 
God Bless You all...

Jul 20, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

Last night, I watched The Adjustment Bureau. It was not your ordinary chick-flick. Really. From the start till the end, I was hooked up. I know I'm supposed to avoid romantic movies but I'm doing the complete opposite. I don't know why, maybe to face the reality now. I should start being brave na.Lol.

So back to the movie, it's about the affair between a politician and a ballerina is affected by mysterious forces keeping them apart. The book of fate tells that they are not meant for each other. That if they stay together, they will just ruin the career of each other. But the first time he saw her, he knew she was the one for her. There was a lot of situation that made them apart yet David pursue the only woman he ever loved. They fought for their destiny.

Left: Matt Damon as David giving his speech during election.
Right: Emily Blunt as Elise at one of her ballet play

Above: It was their first time to meet in a comfort room.
Below: The second meeting, in a bus.

They're the Adjustment Bureau. The unseen forces that manipulate fate.

This is the book I'm talking about. The book of life wriitten by the CHAIRMAN as the movie said.

They are expalining to David that he should follow the book no matter what.

There are a lots of running in the movie..Lol.

My fave scene. The kiss that changed everything.

True love prevails...

Instead of letting her go and accept a predetermined path, he chose to risk everything to defy Fate and be with her. Gosh! Hope My own david will soon come along na. Lol. I'll leave you with my favorite line in the movie, " I can go through this door alone. You'll never see me or the people chasing us again, or you can come with me, and I don't know what's on the other side, but you'd be next to me and that's all I've wanted since the minute I met you." Sweet.Urgh!

Here's the trailer. Hope you enjoy watching it too.
God Bless you all guys...

Jul 14, 2011

Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Last night, after work we went to shop again. I’m really excited because I felt it’s payback time. It’s like all my stress for the whole month will just fade away in few hours. Yaay! I want to do this more often but unfortunately, I’m here at Saudi Arabia, and  I have to understand that it's the way it is here . Urgh! Hate it.Oops!

We went straight to H&M (our fave store) and ransacked it literally. It was always full of sale stuffs and you’ll really be confused on which item to grab.  I’ll tell you later what I saw and bought there. We also did some window shoppping a bit. A friend of mine asked me to go with her in Nine West. While she’s busy doing her thing, I did took some photos.
This is gonna be one heck of a photo heavy post but I hope you all enjoy.

I love the red one. Superb!

There's a lot of shoes you can choose from. All were sale.

Isn't she lovely??? So posh!

I am not really lady-like but this is one of my dream shoes. It should be like this. Haay. I'll have you someday.

Sorry i have to include this. This is my blog.haha.

Here’s what H&M had to offer last night. I just took a few photos of my favorite stuff because I’m  afraid someone might caught me doing it. Haha.

Hyped! The shoes are fab. Many items are in SALE. It makes us anxious.Lol.
Bags are kinda expensive. I have to save money first.Lol.

Nowadays, feathers accesories were so in. They are so cute, right?! It's not cheap so I need to ignore it for now.

On my last post I promised to always have a gift from H&M for myself. Here's my new babies again. When you start working, it felt good that slowly you can now buy the things that you just wish for before. Somehow it will help you to strive more, to do good and to give your best in whatever work you have.

I'm addicted to accesories. I like this two plus it's on sale.Lol.

Upon seeing it, I fell in love immediately, so I closed my eyes and grabbed it.

A beige top and a blue printed skirt. I don't know if I can give justice upon wearing it. Bahala na.haha..
We came home at around 2am. My gosh. I was literally so exhausted and drained but I'm happy. And that what's matter, right?!

 Just want to share that it's so damn hot here right now. It's already summer and it's taking all my strength. Spare us Mr. Sun, why it should be like this?! It's like AC is not working anymore,haha. I miss those cold nights, hope to have it soon which is impossible because it's around October I guess. Yaay!

If you read until here, I thank you. You understand my non-sense kadaldalan. I want to give you a big hug but through my prayers na lang. Take Care everyone.

God Bless You all.(^_^)

Jul 13, 2011


I know that the title is too obvious already. I'm such a huge fan of BEYONCE. Period. Ever since. She's a complete package. I am always captivated by her voice. It's like she's putting you in a spell everytime she performed. Do I overact already?? I know everyone will agree with what I am saying, right?!

Anyhoo, I want to share to you the following videos which I think you'll fall in love more with Beyonce. I'm quite sure.Lol.

This first video is her way of offering her fans a rare glimpse into her private life and the artistic journey she took over the past year, while preparing the release of her new album, '4.' This is a half-hour documentary so you better relax there and watch it.

This is the official video of Who Ran The World (Girls).

Her performance in Billboard Award 2011. She received the Billboard Millenium Award.(Whoah!) She do deserved it.

Hope you enjoy watching her just like the way I do. I'm always mesmerized and fascinated by her. My gosh! I do love her to bits. And before I go, want to share with you what she said that strike me most, "I'm learning to drown out the noise. I only have to follow my heart. I run my world."

She's an inspiration.

I'm praying that all are well and safe.
God Bless You guys..

Jul 5, 2011

Lebanon, Here She Comes

Marhaba, Keef halek?!? ( Hello, How are you?!? in Arabic.)

I want you to meet Dra. Hoda. I've been working with her for almost 3 months now and it's quite fun. Since she's the only female Dermatologist in Al-Rai Dispensary, we ALWAYS have a LOT of patient.I really want to emphasize when I said LOT.haha. She's from Lebanon. I'm honestly thinking of words to describe her for you guys but I'm running out of words. But one thing I can say about her, she's like a child, so we get along pretty well I guess.Lol.

Anyway, she's having her vacation for one month. She's been telling us always about how badly she needs some rest. So we're all happy when she said that she'll be away from work and stress even for a very short time.( At the back of my mind, I also thank God because it means a month away from those demanding patients. Sorry for the word.)


I really insisted for a solo picture of her though I think she's not used to it.

Of course, i need to have a picture with her..(^_^)

She have two nurses, me and Carme. ( We have same hair na!)
Her flight is tomo afternoon. We already gave her a thight hug when she said goodbye after our duty today. We are teary-eyed, don't know why. Though she's moody at times, I know she loves us. I will miss her.

A lot of people here now are going to other places for vacation. They'll be back on Ramadan. I hope all are safe wherever they are.

Everyday is the same here in Saudi, it depends on you on how you make the best out of it.I chose to go here. No one forced me.It's my dream to be able to help my family, in anyway I can. And it’s up to me to make the most of it while I am here. It’s up to me to be professional. And most importantly, to be happy.

I pray that all of us are safe and contented. God Bless You all. (^_^)

My Tatay are now with my family in the Philippines. He'll stay there for two months. Though I'm not there, I'm still happy that finally he'll spend time na with my Nanay and sisters. Makakabawi na sa mga panahong wala siya sa amin. I love you all.

Jul 1, 2011

Going The Distance

My Gosh! How are you guys? It's been a long time since I made a post, and I really do miss you a lot. ( Sorry I'm too assuming that maybe you misses me too.Yikes!). It's the first day of the month and I'm inspired to do "daldal" again. However, I'm back and of course I have a story to tell. Hope you won't get tired of reading.

If you've been reading my blog, maybe you'll remember this, http://cyenavidad.blogspot.com/2011/06/bff-part-1.html , my post about my two BFF since college. They're like a sister to me and we always make to a point to update each other whenever we can.

And lately, I've been very lucky to chat with them. Here's the webcam photos I managed to take.

Karen and Me. Her hair is now super long, right???

That's her boyfriend, JR. Love him to bits!

She's eating Hopia and I'm eating Tobleron.:)

My favorite couple ever!

Sarah and ME...

This is my idea and she agreed. Miss her so much.

Crazy creatures...

We had fun chatting and laughing. I miss them a lot. It felt good to still hang out with them though they are thousand of miles away. Because in this journey, one of the most valuable things in life is friendship. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, what's important is you have few who you can really trust.

That's it. Hope you all keep in touch with all your friends especially to those you barely seen lately.

God Bless You all...
Have a nice weekend. Keep safe and stay happy.
Love you all to bits!

I luckily survived the whole month of June. Just want to give credit to myself. Hoping I can continue doing great on dealing with this. So help me God.