Jul 1, 2011

Going The Distance

My Gosh! How are you guys? It's been a long time since I made a post, and I really do miss you a lot. ( Sorry I'm too assuming that maybe you misses me too.Yikes!). It's the first day of the month and I'm inspired to do "daldal" again. However, I'm back and of course I have a story to tell. Hope you won't get tired of reading.

If you've been reading my blog, maybe you'll remember this, http://cyenavidad.blogspot.com/2011/06/bff-part-1.html , my post about my two BFF since college. They're like a sister to me and we always make to a point to update each other whenever we can.

And lately, I've been very lucky to chat with them. Here's the webcam photos I managed to take.

Karen and Me. Her hair is now super long, right???

That's her boyfriend, JR. Love him to bits!

She's eating Hopia and I'm eating Tobleron.:)

My favorite couple ever!

Sarah and ME...

This is my idea and she agreed. Miss her so much.

Crazy creatures...

We had fun chatting and laughing. I miss them a lot. It felt good to still hang out with them though they are thousand of miles away. Because in this journey, one of the most valuable things in life is friendship. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, what's important is you have few who you can really trust.

That's it. Hope you all keep in touch with all your friends especially to those you barely seen lately.

God Bless You all...
Have a nice weekend. Keep safe and stay happy.
Love you all to bits!

I luckily survived the whole month of June. Just want to give credit to myself. Hoping I can continue doing great on dealing with this. So help me God.

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