Jul 5, 2011

Lebanon, Here She Comes

Marhaba, Keef halek?!? ( Hello, How are you?!? in Arabic.)

I want you to meet Dra. Hoda. I've been working with her for almost 3 months now and it's quite fun. Since she's the only female Dermatologist in Al-Rai Dispensary, we ALWAYS have a LOT of patient.I really want to emphasize when I said LOT.haha. She's from Lebanon. I'm honestly thinking of words to describe her for you guys but I'm running out of words. But one thing I can say about her, she's like a child, so we get along pretty well I guess.Lol.

Anyway, she's having her vacation for one month. She's been telling us always about how badly she needs some rest. So we're all happy when she said that she'll be away from work and stress even for a very short time.( At the back of my mind, I also thank God because it means a month away from those demanding patients. Sorry for the word.)


I really insisted for a solo picture of her though I think she's not used to it.

Of course, i need to have a picture with her..(^_^)

She have two nurses, me and Carme. ( We have same hair na!)
Her flight is tomo afternoon. We already gave her a thight hug when she said goodbye after our duty today. We are teary-eyed, don't know why. Though she's moody at times, I know she loves us. I will miss her.

A lot of people here now are going to other places for vacation. They'll be back on Ramadan. I hope all are safe wherever they are.

Everyday is the same here in Saudi, it depends on you on how you make the best out of it.I chose to go here. No one forced me.It's my dream to be able to help my family, in anyway I can. And it’s up to me to make the most of it while I am here. It’s up to me to be professional. And most importantly, to be happy.

I pray that all of us are safe and contented. God Bless You all. (^_^)

My Tatay are now with my family in the Philippines. He'll stay there for two months. Though I'm not there, I'm still happy that finally he'll spend time na with my Nanay and sisters. Makakabawi na sa mga panahong wala siya sa amin. I love you all.

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