Jul 20, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

Last night, I watched The Adjustment Bureau. It was not your ordinary chick-flick. Really. From the start till the end, I was hooked up. I know I'm supposed to avoid romantic movies but I'm doing the complete opposite. I don't know why, maybe to face the reality now. I should start being brave na.Lol.

So back to the movie, it's about the affair between a politician and a ballerina is affected by mysterious forces keeping them apart. The book of fate tells that they are not meant for each other. That if they stay together, they will just ruin the career of each other. But the first time he saw her, he knew she was the one for her. There was a lot of situation that made them apart yet David pursue the only woman he ever loved. They fought for their destiny.

Left: Matt Damon as David giving his speech during election.
Right: Emily Blunt as Elise at one of her ballet play

Above: It was their first time to meet in a comfort room.
Below: The second meeting, in a bus.

They're the Adjustment Bureau. The unseen forces that manipulate fate.

This is the book I'm talking about. The book of life wriitten by the CHAIRMAN as the movie said.

They are expalining to David that he should follow the book no matter what.

There are a lots of running in the movie..Lol.

My fave scene. The kiss that changed everything.

True love prevails...

Instead of letting her go and accept a predetermined path, he chose to risk everything to defy Fate and be with her. Gosh! Hope My own david will soon come along na. Lol. I'll leave you with my favorite line in the movie, " I can go through this door alone. You'll never see me or the people chasing us again, or you can come with me, and I don't know what's on the other side, but you'd be next to me and that's all I've wanted since the minute I met you." Sweet.Urgh!

Here's the trailer. Hope you enjoy watching it too.
God Bless you all guys...

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