Jun 5, 2011

B_F_F Part 1

If there something that I'm truly be thankful in this life, it is that I already gained true friends. Friends that no matter what happen and whether together or not, the love and bond didn't change. It's like there's an invisible string attaching all of us always. That when someone is at it's down or either at it's peak, we will not forget to remind the other that " Hey, I'm just right here!".

Okay, I want you to meet my bestfriends whom I met during my college days. Uh oh, the way I said that I felt that I am really getting older, anyway nevermind. Haha. ( on my next post I'll introduce to you my other bff. I told you I'm rich in terms of friends,hihi.)

Sarah wearing the pink shirt, karen the yellow and me as the brown lady.

The story started when we as freshman Nursing students found each other's company as an instant click. It's like we've already known each other for so long. Maybe because we are the same in a lot of things. I can still remember how young and childish we was that time, all we had in mind is just to fool around and never stop wandering inside and outside the campus. We never took things so seriously, we just wanted to enjoy. I felt lucky because being in a new world as college was so hard but we discovered comfort from each other. Things became easier to coped up with. It was such a huge blessing.

Sarah whom I used to call  "MATOT" and Karen as my " JUNGAW" are one the biggest jackpot of this existence. I just felt I found a real jem by making them a part of my life. We all adore sunsets, movies, books, beaches, foods and a lot more. We always play around. We are crazy. We are child at heart. We ate a lot. We can survived just by having a good talk and laugh. We boost each other's confidence. We can also tell our own flaws and mistakes. Everything was real, transparent and pure.

We make it to a point that we see each other as long as we can. We make time for it.

As the years gone by, we grew up and matured all together. We made the whole seven years filled with fun and adventures. We never failed to brought sunshine in each other downfall. We always make it to a point to be there in all our special events. We fought for each other. We did all the crazy stuffs you could ever think of. But don't worry, we also did a great job at our studies. That's a big check in our list.

Missing them so much right now...

We witness the joy and tears that LOVE brought to each and everyone of us. We are present when we met them, when we fell in love with their flowery things and stand by each other during break ups. Begginning up to the end of our personal love relationship, we never leave each other side.

Above: Karen and I when we are first year college. Gosh!That was long time ago,haha.
Below: Sarah and I had a picnic date with other friends.

You want proof that that we are CRAZY and KID AT HEART????

Love this girls forever. Taken last year when we had a quick vacation at La Union, Philippines.

This was taken at La Union when Sarah was going to London na..:(
We are all crying. Separation Anxiety.

From the Left: Sarah is now in London, Me here in Saudi and Karen in the Phil. Aww! Too far from each other.

Upon writing this I was actually crying. I didn't realized until now, how much I miss them already. We are now parted with thousand of miles but this doesn't stop us from being a friend. Nevermind the distance, we are still together at heart.

It is really interesting to think about how far all of us have come and how much we have changed. But things will never change between us. I know that what we have is destined to last forever.

 Love 'em to bits!

P.S. This my birthday gift for Sarah. Happy happy birthday..:)

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