Jun 19, 2011

A Day to Remember

Last Friday was full of errands. We need to woke up early and prepare for Baby Josef Robin's Christening. Yey! All were excited and happy. The event took place somewhere here in Dhahran, which I must emphasize, is one of the best place I'd seen so far here. ( I hope I get to see more in the future..)

I can't elaborate coz it's kinda confidential but it was very meaningful to all of us. We all whole-heartedly welcome Baby Josef in the Christian world. Another angel was sent to make this a better world. May the Lord God bless him and his family. 

However, here are a few key snapshots I managed to take.



The MU's..as usual.(^_^)

Group Picture once again.

The complete family with Baby Josef Robin...


Unfortunately, at around 3pm, me and Carme need to go back to our flat for our overtime. I really wanted to stay I have no choice. I still want to have fun but I'm obliged to go. Urgh! Hate that feeling.

On the other hand, I just realized that I was very lucky for being too busy lately. My laptop, my blog, the ever-toxic derma clinic of mine and my super supportive family and friends are all a big help. They're all heaven sent. They made this easy for me. I'm so thankful. So much!

It was a fun filled day.Took a lot of pictures. Ate until our stomachs could hold no more. Chit-chat like we've never seen each other for sometime. And most especially, we got close to our Lord God once again.

I hope for a blessed weekend for you guys. it's raining in the Philippines and it's so damn hot here in Saudi Arabia, kinda opposite, right?! We all need to take good care of ourselves.

God Bless you all..
Love you all to bits...

Now my friends have this hobby of selling me to all single guy they know. Crap! I am too shy for that thing but I always end up laughing because I know they just want me to be happy. Love you Al-Rai Angels, you all ROCK!Yeah!

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