Jun 20, 2011

New Babies


I hope that all of you are in good hands.

Anyway, I have a promise to myself lately that every month I'm going to give myself a gift from H&M. Just some treat after a month of super-toxic work. It's like a stress-reliever or something after working myself to exhaustion. So last June 12 upon receiving our salary, me and my MU's went to shop there. They bought some dresses which I still can't manage to buy unless I'm going to close my eyes,haha. It is still expensive on my own level of thinking. So here's what I bought though.

Gold Coin Purse


Now I keep my fingers crossed, hoping I could always buy something for myself. I want to feel that I'm now really working.Yipee! That even though life had been unfair to me this past month, I can still enjoy it, right??

That's all. Sorry if I already sound dull.Forgive me...

I pray for all of you to be safe and happy. God Bless you all.
Love yah all to bits...

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