Jun 8, 2011


Before I start my entry, I'd like to open it up with...
A big SIGH!

I have to admit admit that I’ve totally messed up lately. But here I am, slowly seeing things clearly.hoho.

Okay, someone said to me that after break up, you need to pamper yourself. So I did some haircut. The shortest hair I've ever had. ( What can you say about it???)


Gosh, I know there is life after break up and chances are the right person is there out looking for me just as this very moment. One day I will meet that special person that God has created only for me. It's time to get my life back in order.

And Hey guys, last night, I read this in a blog and I want to share it with you.
"Let this abusive, unappreciative person go. Nature works in it’s own ways. The world is full of excellent people, and this is it’s way of enabling you reach someone more appreciative of you.Remember the world is huge, beautiful and full of surprises. This is a ‘re-birth’ for you – a chance to start over again and make something better. Remember it’s not your loss, it’s a gain – a bonus from nature to escape from a relationship that was not going anywhere. So make the exit gracefully and positively and make a grand entrée in to your new life. People are going to respect you for it."
If you're in the same situation, there is one thing I want to tell you.  See friends and family and surround yourself with wonderful people who make you feel good. It will help, I promise!

May God Bless us all. ( Silently, I'm praying that I can survive this crappy situation,Shoot.hoho.)

I really can’t please everyone, but I want to be able to come home with a happy heart that I didn’t do anything bad to anyone. Oppps!


  1. ha,ha very typical move after a break up! hair cut! ha,ha,ha! it suits you.. :)

  2. u look so beautiful mahal...I'm sure madami nang pipila nyan...abangan u...mwahhh:)
