May 31, 2011

Now Playing : S&M

You know what I just learned??This collaboration just started on twitter. Rihanna asked her millions of Twitter followers who they'd like to see her collaborate with. Apparently, most of them replied Britney Spears, and now we have a remix of Rihanna's current single S&M featuring a whole new section sung by Britney . Yaay. Knowing that they're two of the biggest pop star in the world, I just can't resist this song. Can't help but dance with it. Uh-oh!

I love the line, " I may be bad but I maybe perfectly good at it..."
Anyways, if you are curious also what's the meaning of S&M, Mr. Google said it stands for sadism and masochism. If you read the lyrics, it seems that it's right.

I leave you all with that. I hope you enjoy the song. Don't deny. Lol
Till my next post..

Love you all to bits. God Bless you all.(^_^)

May 29, 2011

At the Beach...

It's been two days since the party. Sorry, I felt my post is already late,lol. Not so very me I know, because this blog has been very updated from the very start but lately I'm not myself. Lol.

So this is the part 2 in which I promised you from my last post.

It's Gabriel Adriano/ Kuya Gave for short 11th Birthday. Look at how many cakes he had.Yum!

Group Picture...
Above: at the seashore Below: Inside the house

Above: We did some funny and naughty games. It was a lot of fun.
Below: Another group photo.:)

Meet the Al-Rai angels...

Let me tell you the story behind this picture. So as expected , we grabbed all the opportunity to took all kinds of photos we could actually do. And when I said all, it means at any part of the beach,lol. Since we are not alone there, people started to stare at us. Okay, we are in the Middle East, they have a very conservative culture, and we are there wearing dresses and shorst as if we own the place while the others are wearing their abayas.I mean the women only. The following morning, they eventually complained and the guard told us to wear abayas also.Urgh! So to cut my story short, some Saudi childrens went to us and started to watched us. Then we said they should joined . And that's it, the pictorial began.

Forgive me for this solo shots again..:)

Honestly, this is my favorite picture for that night.
With a lot of things to see and taste  here in Saudi Arabia, I hope that I will have an endless source of new experiences. And of course, I will always share it with you.

Till my next post evryone...
I love you all to bits...(^_^)

May 28, 2011

AlShola Tourist Village

Though I'm kinda broken right now I still managed to went to a Birthday party last Thursday night till Friday morning. It's my Mami Doc's son, Gabriel Adriano's birthday.

Sorry I won't make elaborate, spare me guys. I hope you understand. I'll just give you a photo diary if you don't mind.:)

THE VENUE: AlShola Tourist Village

Had a quick shot from the car before leaving the resort.

Above: There's a lot of houses you can choose from.
Below: This is our resthouse.:)

Above: The breathtaking sea view.
Below: The ground where everyone can walk and chitchat freely.

I just felt sad when I'm watching the sunrise...:(

Sorry. So many  shots during sunrise, I loved it so much.

Above: Look there's a guard who's wandering around. Just making sure everything was alright.
Below: Close up view of the beautiful houses available.

Above: See the alignment?! At the center you can play voleyball actually.
Below: The resort was calm that day, thanks God.:)

There is also playground for children, can you see it??hehe. Saudi women wears abaya even in the beach. And don't be surprise huh??Even when swimming at the sea itself.

I fell in love with the sunrise. I hope I can witness a sunset again.

The resort was quite something, right??? But the beaches in the Philippines is much better than this. Naman!

Anyway, tomorrow I will give you more pictures during the party. I just felt a need to rest right now. I still can't find myself at the moment.

I love you all to bits.
God Bless Us all.:(

May 27, 2011


I'm probably on the lowest point of my life right now. Keeping myself busy  is the only thing I could really think of at the moment. What else can be more painful than this? I hope I can just be numb so I could not feel the pain. To be okay even just for an hour or something. So that I can compose myself again. So I can give my tired eyes a rest. So I can calm all my senses. So I can fixed my broken heart.

This is the reality. Someone will come along perfectly. You thought it would stay. You prayed it will last forever, but it's not. The world revolves in changes. No matter how deeply in love they are with you for all those years, there will come a time that they will get tired of it. And that's what you should be strong about.Even if you don't even consider them leaving you, they will still at the end. That's the irony of life.

Now I'm asking, will things really turn out for the best? Is it always true when they say that some things need to be taken away from you because better things are yet to come? I know for a fact that things happen to us and we meet people in this life because they are meant to teach us something and help us become better persons but there will also be times in this life wherein we need to let go of those people/experiences in order for us to grow and engage ourselves into far more better things.
Sorry enough for me being so sad. i don't want you guys to feel the same way. I don't want to be contagious.Maybe someday when I read this post, I know I'll smile. Because one part of my life, I was dreadfully hurt because of loving someone so much. I know at that time I already moved on and I will just laugh about it. It will become only a sweetbitter memories. Something that I learned so much about. And it will not give me a little bit ache anymore. I will not be angry about it. I will just be happy I overcome it.

Someday...Oh gosh I hope it's SOMEDAY already.

Haay.I'm really thankful for my family and friends for their continuous love and support. Thank you so much.

Till my next post..
May God bless us al..:(

May 25, 2011

Lunch Date

I just came from a lunch date with my MU's and her husband. We had our lunch at a Filipino Food store. Of course I grabbed a delicious tapsilog ( Beef meat, egg and fried rice). Sorry I don't have a photo of it bacause I'm really starving so I immediately ate all. We also bought some foods from Jollibee. I love it, super Pinoy talaga. As if in an instant I want to go back home. We ended up super full, thanks God.

After that we did some window shopping. Lol. I saw some stuff but hell yeah, all we're so expensive. So I just let myself drool and look at them, enough. 

Shoes from Aldo. Super like but diko to carry.:)

Love the dress. And among all the bags I saw, these two are my favorites.

I heart all of this. Promise to buy this next time.:)

Uh Oh. I decided to buy some stuff but ended up realizing I should save money na lang. Lol.
  After almost 2 hours of wandering at the mall, we decided to go home. We need some rest before going to work again. I took some phtos for you guys while I'm on the car.

And I want you to meet my companions..

The lovers..:)

Group photos..:)

That's all guys. I just shared with you what happened to my lunch break. Hope you enjoyed it.

 To the lovely couple who's always bringing us outside, thank you so much. love you both.

Bye for now. I love you all to bits.
God Bless You...

May 22, 2011


And that's that. Sorry about this quick post. I just happened to read this letter and I felt the need to share it with you...

Isn't it sweet???? Love is really to think about someone else more times in a day than you think about yourself. Hihi.It's like you have this habit to saying things of care and affection everyday. You don't get tired of it.

I love that feeling...I know you do also, right???
Bye for now guys. Stay happy and in LOVE. Yipee!

I love you all to bits. God Bless.(^_^)

May 21, 2011

A Blissful Birthday Bash

I super love this month. We got so many birthdays which means party also.

Last thursday night, we went to Bernardino Adriano's birthday celebration ( Kuya Bernie for short ). Gosh, before the party me and my MU had a sudden huge problem but thanks God it was fixed immediately. And when I said huge, it was really something. So damn nervous about it. Anyway, we came there at around 11 pm and then we started to  make the house gone wild.Lol. We literally ransacked the table. So full of delicious foods that my plate was almost full. Nothing's new with that, I love to eat. Yaay. So again we sing and dance like it's our only time to shine.

Here's a photo diary of what had happened.

The birthday daddy and his lovely wifey...Sweet!

Upon arriving we immediately went to the table. Yaay!

The yummylicious cake...

Our baby Crystal eating banana. The cake was from her. Cutie!

Another group picture..:0

I felt hungry again....Yum!Yum!

Who wants some drinks????

Our Mami Doc...I'm sorry and I love you..

Okay got some solo shot. Sorry about this, hihi.

I thought I was alone but look who bumped in..Toinks!

The party lasted  the whole night. Some didn't got tired of singing but me, I tried to sleep, but I unfortunately failed. I have work the following morning. At around 5 am, we decided to go to garage sale. We are all so excited because we heard that a lot of  not so expensive stuffs are there. Bags, clothes, shoes and a lot more.

I'm sorry I don't have any photos there. I'm just too scared that someone might snatch the camera. So it's true that all things there are low-priced. Name it and it's there. Just want to share with you what I bought.

Worth 10 SAR or  100 pesos.:)

I felt so dead-tired that time. But all was worth it. I am just so thankful that I had to spend my one day rest happily.

How about you guys, how do you spend your day-off guys??? I would love to hear about it.

I love you all to bits. God Bless you all.(^_^)

May 19, 2011

Letter From Juliet

Dear Baboy,

I know lately we are on the rocks. Trying to work things out  Keeping the love alive. Doing everything to make it easier for us. I know it's hard. I'm aware you're almost near giving up.

You know when you started to tell me that things are already changing, it felt like a huge rock fell right in front of my face. I never realized you are also there, alone, looking for my presence. Sorry for being so selfish. For thinking that's it's only me who's suffering. Feeling so down without even thinking how about you. Crap! I'm such a fool. Sorry..

Thank you for still accepting me no matter what I do. For embracing all my flaws. I know I've been a pain in the ass, but you're there, patiently listening to me. Thank you for being my stress absorber. I can't even imagine a world without you. You are the reason why I still keep on fighting. The only reason why I'm still here. 

I know I already said the word I LOVE YOU a million times. That I always tell you how much I care. How much I miss you. How much I wanted to hug and kiss you. How much thankful I am that God sent you to me. Words can't be enough baboy, to entirely show my gratitude for having you in my life that even if the sun stops on shining, the sky turns gray, the river turned dry, I will never get tired of loving you. Never.

Sorry for everything...
Thank you for loving me...
Thank you for staying with me..
Thank you for accepting me...
Again...I LOVE YOU.

I always pray that you will never get tired of me. That you are the one who was made for me. My destiny. My partner in life. My soulmate. My everything. I don't need anyone else. I need you. Now, tomorrow and for the rest of my life.

I'm so sorry...
I miss you so much that it's killing me.
I love you very much.  I know I will never love someone like this.

Lots of love,
Cye :(

May 18, 2011

Now Playing : I'm Into You

For some reason I literally cannot stop listening/watching this video. Although to be honest with you, I am just too stunned by American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez who just received her own trophy as People Magazine most beautiful woman in the world. Whoah! A 41-year old married and a mother of two and yet looking so gorgeous. Sometimes it is really quite unfair, Lol.

Anyway, enjoy the video. Be ready to be blown away by JLo.

Love you all to bits..(^_^)
God Bless You All...

May 17, 2011

How Pathetic...

Look what I've got after reading someone post. Got some info for you guys. You think it's true???

Since I've been crying a lot lately this caught my attention. Gosh! I'm a total mess. I think when you're crying about something, you would never know where it came from, right or left. What you only know is the pain that slowly eating up all your strength. And what you want is that someone who made you cry. Crap! How difficult life can be.

I just realized that the hardest part of loving someone is knowing when to let go, and knowing when to say goodbye. How I wish I was a kid again, because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.

Bye for now guys..
Need to fix myself..:(

May 16, 2011

Sisters In Crime

I just had a talk with my sister a while ago. Did some catching up about our new worlds apart. She's the no.1 reader of my blog maybe because I'm always telling her to. Lol.Anyway,  she was asking me to make a post about them. I thought it was a joke, but hey why not. Honestly I am thinking about it, but I can't make time to finally do it. My bad! Anyway, without further a do, I present to you, my sisters.

I want you to meet first Katrina Joyce Navidad, my crazy sister. Spell C-R-A-Z-Y and that's her. When I'm with her, we just laugh like there's no tomorrow. We always tease each other but rarely get piss off about it. We make boring days an instant fun. You will readily fall in love with how witty she can be. Duh! Sometimes I had doubts if she's okay or not, mentally. Hoho.( I'm dead if she read this.) She loves basketball so much and a die-hard fan of De La Salle Green Archers. She's facinated with color green.  She wants to read but it'll just make her fell asleep. She's fond of writing all sorts of letter for her friends in different way she can do. She's happy to be with.

This was taken @ our house before her Graduation Ball.

She just graduated last April. Today she passed her first ever job interview and got it.Congrats Dude!
And of course, our youngest, Kathleen Jayne Navidad. She is now a senior Psychology student at CLSU ( Central Luzon State University). Yes, she's the baby of the family, but you know, compared to me and Katrina, she's more mature. She's the strong and the fighter among our siblings. Guys need to be careful with her. I can see that she can handle things on her own, but we still not allow it too much. Since she's the baby, we are all protective of her. She's moody and hard to handle at times but I still love her. She can be the sweetest when in the mood. We love the same music and do love writing also.

March 25 is her birthday.:)

Here's our pictures together..

My siblings and I are so close. We're like bestfriends. We can talk about anything under the sun. IBeing in an all girl home is a lot of fun. We do love and hate the same things. We grew up with each other arms. We laugh and cried together. Survive each and every trials back to back.

It was hard now that I'm far, but whenever I think of them, it keeps me going. They make my life with purpose. As if without them, I don't know what is happiness all about. Sorry for being so serious this time, they are just too precious to me.

Let me share with you guys the video I made for them.

Since you read it until here, let me say THANK YOU SO MUCH...
Hope you enjoy it.
God Bless You All...(^_^)

May 14, 2011

T.G.I.F. (Thanks God It's Friday)

The other night was a blast.

It was my friend's birthday actually . We was supposed to go to another party to celebrate. What we had in mind is partying all night in a close-door dance floor, like what we had before. But for some reasons, the venue changes. It was now in a beach resort somewhere. As in we're all shock. Hoho. Can you guys imagine, we are wearing high heels shoes and  make-up and  then suddenly we will go to the beach. Crap. We tried to relax but shoot we had the wrong outfit. No problem upon arriving because we are still wearing our Abaya ( a robe-like dress, worn by some women in parts of the Islamic World) which is a must here. But we will still end up removing it .So to cut the story short, we have no choice but to flaunt it. Yaay! Thanks God, we had our slippers with us. A big thanks also because our theme for that event is summer. We always have this agreement that in every occasion we're in, we should have a particular theme. And all must cooperate with it.

The whole Al-Rai girls with our Mami Doc. ( @ the center wearing purple blouse)

We arrived at around 11:30 pm. The whole resort was full of guest already. Most are Filipinos. Most are in their best swimming attire. And we had our own theme, who cares,hihi!

I will give you a photo diary of what had happened last night. Hope you'll enjoy it.

Is it too obvious that we're happy???

Not getting tired most specially in taking photos..


A table full of yummylicious foods. Actually, we spend a lot of time grabbing whatever food we can munch in. A nice sound system courtesy of the laptop of our neighbors. Three swimming pools along side. An over-looking view of the sea.  A lot of pretty women and cute guys. Equals fun, fun,fun,,fun. I was happy seeing a lot of Filipinos there. It felt like home.

I'm with my MU's. ( Carme, me and Rosie)

Okay, I won't deny that I'm HAPPY.Hoho!

On the left is the birthday girl, May. Me and Carme.Teehee!

The child in me came up. Can't help palying on the sand.:)

Nice one Cye..I tell to myself, Sorry,hihi!

This is Baher Villas in the morning. Haayyy.During the night you can't  see it, but when the sun started to rise, I ended up saying, "What the heck, I'm in this place the whole night??"

A stranger took this photo. Thanks Kuya!

It was suppose to be a jump shot, but look at this,Urgh!

Love this picture to the ninth power!hihi!

Woah! Okay you guys rock!

All in all, it was a great experience!
We had a fantastic time lolling on the beach. I enjoyed every minute with them. I am so blessed to have them in this world full of homesickness.
I am also super happy for the birthday girl, she got the best gift ever, Oppps!
And I know, once again, I overeat..Uh oh!

How was your weekend guys???Hope you enjoyed it as well.

i love you to bits...
God Bless You all...