May 2, 2011

30 Things To Do Before 30

No one's ever too old to have a wishlist, right?!Deep within each and everyone of us, hides a child in it!

So about a year ago, I read an article at a local newspaper in the Philippines, which really caught my attention. It's a confession of a 27 years old woman about the things that she wanted to do before going 30. She had this list of the places, foods, adventures and goals that she somehow wants to accomplish before approaching that specific age.It was very inspiring. As in at that very moment, I told to myself,I should also have one.

Let me share with you guys my own version.

1.Put a cute henna tattoo at the back of my shoulder. (Ohh,so very Mandy Moore at A walk to remember huh?)
2.Have a vcd of My Sassy Girl (korean!) and Twilight Saga.My fave eversince!
3.To have my own laptop. Done.
4.To have my own cam.
5.To be able to see clouds up close.( Unfortunately,on my first ever plane ride, all windows are close and I'm sitting at the middle.!Urgh!)
6.Learn how to play piano.
7.Learn how to bake.
8.Own a 100 books and more and have a mini-library on my future house.Excited much.
9.Have my own Twilight Saga books and collect as many John Grisham's novels as I can.Drooling!
10. Learn photography. I want a collections of breath-taking sunsets in the Philippines.
11.Buy a real piece of art.
12.Learn a new language. Done!
13.Work as nurse abroad. Done!
14.Learn how to drive.
15. Meet Toni Gonzaga in person. Weeeeh!
16.Go to Anawangin, Pagudpod and Boracay.
17.Purchase a property somewhere.
18.Apartment or netshop as business. ( Libre mangarap noh?!)
19.Take my Nay and Tay to somewhere abroad.
20.A vacation trip with my sisters.
21.Write a 100 poems.( I now have more than 60,,)
22.Take a lot of family picture.(Coz we have very few, honestly.)
23. Have a stable job as a nurse.
24. Lose weight.(Arg!Malabo to!Promise!)
25.To have my own blog. Done!-
26. To get married.
27. To have a baby boy and a girl.Yup, I want a twin!
28. To have my own HOME.
29. To have my own family.
30. To do all of this. Yahoo!

Some are so shallow, I admit. But my wants and needs in life are just plain simple. To be able to do what makes me happy and specially my loved ones.To be able to touch lives.To enjoy life at it's fullest.To be worthy of all the blessing that He had showered me. Life is too short to be wasted.
Im looking forward to do all of this. I just hope I can . My hopes are too high. I can't wait to put a check and mark it all done.I am now 23 and I still have 7 years to fulfill this. That is a long way to go, I guess. But time flies too fast, I need to keep on track. I'm afraid I might not able to do all but with God's grace I know I can.As I had said, if you want it, then get it. Go Girl!

How about you?? What your wishlist???Can you share it with me???
God Bless Everyone (^_^)

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