May 21, 2011

A Blissful Birthday Bash

I super love this month. We got so many birthdays which means party also.

Last thursday night, we went to Bernardino Adriano's birthday celebration ( Kuya Bernie for short ). Gosh, before the party me and my MU had a sudden huge problem but thanks God it was fixed immediately. And when I said huge, it was really something. So damn nervous about it. Anyway, we came there at around 11 pm and then we started to  make the house gone wild.Lol. We literally ransacked the table. So full of delicious foods that my plate was almost full. Nothing's new with that, I love to eat. Yaay. So again we sing and dance like it's our only time to shine.

Here's a photo diary of what had happened.

The birthday daddy and his lovely wifey...Sweet!

Upon arriving we immediately went to the table. Yaay!

The yummylicious cake...

Our baby Crystal eating banana. The cake was from her. Cutie!

Another group picture..:0

I felt hungry again....Yum!Yum!

Who wants some drinks????

Our Mami Doc...I'm sorry and I love you..

Okay got some solo shot. Sorry about this, hihi.

I thought I was alone but look who bumped in..Toinks!

The party lasted  the whole night. Some didn't got tired of singing but me, I tried to sleep, but I unfortunately failed. I have work the following morning. At around 5 am, we decided to go to garage sale. We are all so excited because we heard that a lot of  not so expensive stuffs are there. Bags, clothes, shoes and a lot more.

I'm sorry I don't have any photos there. I'm just too scared that someone might snatch the camera. So it's true that all things there are low-priced. Name it and it's there. Just want to share with you what I bought.

Worth 10 SAR or  100 pesos.:)

I felt so dead-tired that time. But all was worth it. I am just so thankful that I had to spend my one day rest happily.

How about you guys, how do you spend your day-off guys??? I would love to hear about it.

I love you all to bits. God Bless you all.(^_^)

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