May 4, 2011

Long Distance

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder”

Whoever said this doesn't know what it feels like. As in she/he doesn't have any idea. The separation can cause heartache, longingness, sadness, tears and a lot more.Staying apart from our loved ones is always difficult.There is a huge challenge to be a part of each other’s life inspite of the distance. Urgh! Sometimes,I can't bear it anymore, really.

I'm in a long distance relationship right now. My boyfriend for almost 4 years is in the Philippines and I am here in Saudi Arabia.We are actually 4882 miles away from each other. Gosh, see how far it is. It's been driving me crazy lately. We are always seeing each other before. Doing things that we both love. Going to places together. Sharing all moments and then suddenly we are now separated by oceans.  At first you we're elated by the feeling that no matter what happen the both of you will survive. No one will ever give up. But I'm just getting tired. Missing him almost every single moment of my day. I want to see him. Hold him. Give him a hug. Tell him everything about what's happening up here. But the physical separation is slowly killin me, that sometimes I can't already manage it anymore. I've been here for just 6 months and it felt like a lifetime for me. Grrr!

Okay, bad me, I shouldn't be writing this in the first place because we're still working on it together. Efforts can still be felt.He always get in touch, maybe 50 text messages per day. We chat twice a week. I'm calling him whenever I wanted to hear his voice, which is almost everyday. I know he's doing everything just to save what we have. But I still hate the distance.I hate that he is not physically present with me. I hate the fact that I need to be far in order to work. But what can I do?? I don't have any choice.

Honestly, I don't know how will we ever survive the separation?? Sometimes we are having some silly fights because I'm getting pissed off by the situation. At those times that I badly need him and he's nowhere to be found, I told him I already want to give up. I know I'm not thinking so well. I have to blame myself for being so immature, but hey it's not that easy to handle.
So now I'm working on how to make things work.I love him. More than anyone I could ever love in this lifetime. I want to keep him. To never let him go. I need to fix myself first. I need to trust him unconditionally, and don’t be suspicious.

 Another thing I'm holding on is that no matter how frustrated I am today, I must always remember that this too shall pass away, this is not how it is going to stay forever. Yeah, it's hard but the point is, our relationship doesn’t have to be difficult. Inspite of all the distance that comes in between us, we can still be an important part of each others life, we can still love each other like crazy, we can still share all our small titbits, we can still have a happy, loving, fulfilling, successful relationship. Just the way we want it..

Before I leave, I want to share with you my song at the moment. So inlove with Bruno Mars. Super like this song.

Are you also in a long distance relationship? Do you share the same feelings?!haay...:(

1 comment:

  1. mine was already gone.we survived for a year and 3 mos. but not this goodluck.
