May 27, 2011


I'm probably on the lowest point of my life right now. Keeping myself busy  is the only thing I could really think of at the moment. What else can be more painful than this? I hope I can just be numb so I could not feel the pain. To be okay even just for an hour or something. So that I can compose myself again. So I can give my tired eyes a rest. So I can calm all my senses. So I can fixed my broken heart.

This is the reality. Someone will come along perfectly. You thought it would stay. You prayed it will last forever, but it's not. The world revolves in changes. No matter how deeply in love they are with you for all those years, there will come a time that they will get tired of it. And that's what you should be strong about.Even if you don't even consider them leaving you, they will still at the end. That's the irony of life.

Now I'm asking, will things really turn out for the best? Is it always true when they say that some things need to be taken away from you because better things are yet to come? I know for a fact that things happen to us and we meet people in this life because they are meant to teach us something and help us become better persons but there will also be times in this life wherein we need to let go of those people/experiences in order for us to grow and engage ourselves into far more better things.
Sorry enough for me being so sad. i don't want you guys to feel the same way. I don't want to be contagious.Maybe someday when I read this post, I know I'll smile. Because one part of my life, I was dreadfully hurt because of loving someone so much. I know at that time I already moved on and I will just laugh about it. It will become only a sweetbitter memories. Something that I learned so much about. And it will not give me a little bit ache anymore. I will not be angry about it. I will just be happy I overcome it.

Someday...Oh gosh I hope it's SOMEDAY already.

Haay.I'm really thankful for my family and friends for their continuous love and support. Thank you so much.

Till my next post..
May God bless us al..:(

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sorry forall the heartaches that I've done..I hope you can forgive me on the right time.. Sorry.. I really do.. I hope your happy now.. Always takecare, Godbless..
